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Fine Tune Link Building Efforts With PPC Data

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PPC KeanuWhether you’re in the process of building links or getting a campaign ramped up, chances are you could stand to take some time to look at improving your link campaign. If you’re looking for some inspiration or need some insight on how to improve your links, I suggest taking a look at your PPC for some insight.

Evaluate Landing Pages

One item that is taken into consideration managing PPC is the landing page you’re sending visitors to. It’s highly recommended you send users to a specific landing page associated with the phrases the ad is targeting. Pointing every ad at the homepage isn’t a great method, and sending every link to your homepage isn’t either. When building links you want to make sure you’re sending users to the page that is the most relevant to the anchor text being used. Don’t start users out on the homepage only to have them begin their search over again. And speaking of anchor text, vary it up!

Vary Anchor Text

Go chat with your PPC consultants.  Using the exact same content for each PPC ad is a bad idea. In addition, even if you’re targeting the same phrase you want the ads to be different. More than likely you have several areas of your site you want to promote, so target them as you see fit but keep it varied. There’s more than one way to describe your products/services and there are multiple phrases each of those could be ranking for. Take time to do some good keyword research and plan out what phrases you want to target.

Build Links Internally

It’s not enough to just rely on Google to get some visibility from PPC.  You need to work on getting your ads up on other sites as well. If you’re already building links on other sites, you want to make sure you’re building links internally. This doesn’t mean you need to make sure every page on your site is plastered with links to the pages on your site you want to rank. Just make sure you are writing about it on your blog or creating some infographics on standalone pages pointing to it.

Check Out PPC Analytics

Link building is not the best testing ground for A/B testing, but your PPCs should have plenty of data for you to look at. Go check out what has worked/hasn’t worked and focus on that for your link building. If there’s one thing that can give you feedback on what has converted quickly it’s your PPCs. This should give you some insight as to what type of content users are clicking on.  Use this information when writing the content for your site as well as for any outreach you may be doing.

Links are advertising.  No matter what type of link building you’re doing, you’re advertising your site or at least sections of your site. So with that in mind, why not make sure the links you’re building are also going to get clicked to bring potential clients to your site and hopefully bringing in conversions as well.

If you are need of some help with your PPC campaigns, give us a shout.

At Vizion Interactive, we have the expertise, experience, and enthusiasm to get results and keep clients happy! Learn more about how our Link Profile Management services can increase sales and boost your ROI. But don’t just take our word for it, check out what our clients have to say, along with our case studies.