How Well Do You Know Your Amazon Target Market?

How Well Do You Know Your Amazon Target Market? Vizion Interactive Reading Time: 4 minutes

While Amazon offers a way for sellers to make their products available, that ease of access into e-commerce is what makes Amazon a highly competitive platform. With so many sellers offering similar products, you need an effective Amazon marketing strategy to be successful. And part of that involves understanding just what your Amazon target market is.

Without customers you won’t have any sales. What makes attracting customers tricky is that not everyone is interested in your product – and even those that are may not have the same needs. You need to find your target customer so that you can create product descriptions and marketing strategies that appeal to them and bring the people most likely to buy from you to a place where they can do just that.

Defining Your Amazon Target Market

It can be easy to skip over thinking about who your target audience is, especially when selling on Amazon. After all, Amazon caters to buyers across all sorts of industries. But even if it would be nice if your product appealed to everyone, the truth is that making broad marketing efforts will only fall flat, and you won’t get the sales you’re hoping for.

You need to get specific. Your customer isn’t just anyone – it’s a specific group of people that have a problem your product can solve. Build an image of what that ideal customer looks like so that you can best appeal to them. Some defining features that you’ll want to consider are:

  • Gender
  • Age group
  • Income level
  • Location
  • Occupation
  • Hobbies & Interests

Once you’ve answered all these questions, you’ll have a good idea of what your customer might be like. Every single one of your customers won’t match every component of your ideal customer, but that’s all right. The goal of creating an ideal customer is to have a clear image of who you’re marketing to. Naming your ideal customer (even though they’re imaginary) can make them more concrete as a representation of your actual customers.

This ideal customer becomes the basis for your Amazon target market. Now that you know what they’re like, you can make informed choices about how you structure your product descriptions, set your pricing, establish your keywords, set up your featured products advertisements, and all other aspects of your marketing.

You’ll have to sacrifice marketing to other groups that are way outside your ideal, but that’s okay. Trying to market to everyone won’t be as worthwhile as having a clear target in mind. The more specific your target market is, the better your business will do.

However, your ideal customer can potentially change over time. If you’re starting a business or working to market a new product, your initial ideal customer may be very different from the most successful demographics for sales. If you effectively track your customer data, you can see these deviations and adjust your ideal customer profile and marketing strategies appropriately.

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Techniques to Better Target Customers

While you can get a lot of mileage out of defining your target market by brainstorming, you can go even further to find a concrete target market in your existing customers. Try these techniques to better learn about your target customers.

Sponsored Products Search Term Reports

Aside from providing a platform for merchants to sell their products, Amazon also has advertising options for sellers to promote their products. Sponsored Products work on a basis like pay per click advertising on other platforms: you bid for keywords, and your sponsored product listing will show up when someone searches those keywords. If someone clicks on your listing, you pay for the click.

While Sponsored Product ads give you an effective way to put your listings in front of customers, they also have robust data available to see how these ads perform. With Sponsored Product search term results, you can see which search terms gave you sales results in comparison to the advertising cost. Your most profitable keywords will be the ones with low cost per sales rates.

You may potentially shut down poor performing keywords, but that’s not all you can do to enhance your targeting. These profitable keywords are exactly how customers find your products, so you’ll want to focus on them. If you don’t already have these keywords in your product name and description, add them in.

Identify What Benefit Your Product Provides

A successful business will fulfill its customers’ needs and leave them with a satisfying experience. You should ask yourself what problem you solve. People don’t want to buy products just to have them; they want the benefit. Identify what benefit your product provides, and you can reverse-engineer who will be your best target audience because they’re the people who want the solution you’re offering.

This strategy will not only help you understand your audience, but also help you make effective marketing solutions. Yes, include the features of your product in your Amazon descriptions, but also connect them to a tangible benefit that will convince customers to buy.

Use Amazon Buyer Data

Amazon provides even more customer insights through its Amazon Buyer Data tools. You get some core information about people who have purchased from you before, including buyer names, recipient names, and shipping addresses. With this data, you can see what your sales demographic looks like to help guide your business and marketing decisions.

It’s also possible to use Amazon’s Buyer Data to inform your advertising on other platforms. The most notable example is Facebook, where you can create Custom Audiences to gather even more information. Facebook’s Audience Insights lets you see the age, gender, relationship status, occupation, and other core elements about your past customers – the factors that make up your ideal customer profile. You can also target your Facebook ads to your Custom Audiences for more effective marketing.

While Amazon will bring you customers by the nature of being Amazon, you can take your business even further by understanding and effectively targeting your ideal audience. With those insights, you can build on the benefits Amazon already gives so sellers can stay competitive in an ever-growing seller market.

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