The Penguinization of our Society

Pengiun Cleaning X  Vizion Interactive Reading Time: 2 minutes

Google recently released the Penguin 2.0 algorithmic update on May 22nd. This was meant to be a continuation of their anti-webspam effort of the original Penguin update. This and the following two revisions to the update were intended to provide better search results via the penalization or filtering of sites whose pages were in possession of less than satisfactory backlinks or “authority.”  What Penguin 2.0 brings to the table is a more in-depth, deeper dive into this cleanup. If you were affected by the original Penguin update a little more than one year ago, you might see yourself suffering again now.

If you are knowingly pursuing inbound links from link network programs, predominance of links anchored on non-branded text to show false keyword authority to Google, or low quality links from “shady link neighborhoods” you have all the reason in the world to be worried.  But for those of us acting according to Google’s guidelines  this is a just a reward, if anything. This is a continuing reinforcement from Google to point the online community in the right direction of building sites intended to provide information and insightful content rather than SEOing a site into organic visibility. Now, don’t get me wrong.  SEO is not dead and never will be. However, you can’t use it as a crutch to help content “reach the top.”

The mission at our company has always been to educate others on the synergy of efforts for the better SEO end result. It isn’t just a site page that ranks. It is good content that can get good links and gain social media acceptance. The leading Google representative over webspam, Matt Cutts, recently noted that “authoritative” sites in niches on the web will see their visibility enhanced in the next Penguin (2.0) update. Will keyword stuffed pages be seen as authoritative and worthy of rank? Or, will it be the pages whose content was creatively crafted to ensure it was of the quality to attain link authority and become favored socially?

SEO has definitely come a long, long way in the last few years as.  SEO in the future will become more so about how you manage the accessibility of the site to search engines so they can see your honest and creative content efforts and less about how to simply tweak elements to get high rankings for keywords. SEO will be the means to a great end with the vehicle being creative and meaningful content generation.

At Vizion Interactive, we have the expertise, experience, and enthusiasm to get results and keep clients happy! Learn more about how our SEO Audits, Local Listing Management, Website Redesign Consulting, and B2B digital marketing services can increase sales and boost your ROI. But don’t just take our word for it, check out what our clients have to say, along with our case studies.