Analytical segmentation can be a helpful tool when marketing to customers. It would be impossible for a site to tailor itself to the entire population; segmentation helps by dividing site users into meaningful groups with similar characteristics. Thus, a company can tailor its marketing strategy to appeal to a few or several target markets.
Site owners have access to a variety of marketing tools that can help them analyze their users. Once they decide on a tool, they can collect and integrate data from various sources and put it together to be analyzed. But the results of the segmentation are where the real magic happens.
Site owners can effectively implement marketing strategies based on the variety of information provided in analytical segmentation. By using the information to narrow down the group to a specific target market, they can develop a message that appeals to that particular group. This personalized message can go a long way when it comes to getting and retaining customers. If the message isn’t right, it isn’t going to resonate with users. So it’s important for site owners to understand what analytical segmentation reveals about site users.
Who They Are
A basic feature of analytical segmentation is that it can identify the demographics of site users. Owners will be able to see the age, social class, and gender of visitors. Analytical segmentation can also show the user type and persona of site visitors, which can help owners understand the social façade of users. If users want to be portrayed a certain way, it may appeal to them to visit a site portrayed similarly.
Site owners can also see which industry visitors are from, which is important in a B2B relationship.
Where They’re Located
Whether your site draws people in from all over the world or is tailored to a more local market, it’s important to know where site users are located. Analytical segmentation can help discern whether you get mostly local, regional, or international traffic.
If your site generates mostly local traffic, you can tailor your marketing to those in the nearby area. As the location of visitors broadens, targeting a specific group becomes more difficult. With broader traffic, it may be beneficial to target specific smaller groups based on other factors, such as demographics, persona, or industry. If the group is narrowed down, owners can develop and market a relevant message to that group.
What They Like
The interests and spending habits of users can be analyzed through segmentation. A person’s lifestyle can play a major role in determining marketing strategy. Visitors with lifestyles that promote luxury living are going to need a vastly different marketing strategy and message than those who enjoy minimalism.
The goal of understanding what visitors to your site like is to develop an understanding of both the preferences and needs of those users. By analyzing these factors, site owners can discover what consumers find valuable. They can then adjust marketing materials to appeal to these values. Understanding what visitors like or are interested in can also help marketers identify new products that may be appealing. They may also realize how to improve current products to meet user expectations.
Why They’re There
Analytical segmentation can show owners the visiting patterns of the site. Depending on the days and times people are logging on, owners can adjust their sites to appeal to more specific groups. Owners can also see what content was viewed. Maybe a blog is drawing visitors in or a certain product is catching their fancy. Once owners know specific content is popular, they can market that material.
After you figure out who visits your site, where they’re located, and what they like, you can figure out why they’re coming to your site. By analyzing these factors, site owners can decipher what particular aspects are drawing consumers in and target those areas.
Their Benefit
Analytical segmentation is a powerful tool that, if used correctly, can develop effective marketing strategies. By discovering as much information as possible about site visitors, owners can allocate marketing resources with the intent of reaching existing site users. Looking at the profit potential and relative cost of each segment can help owners to decide which markets they want to appeal to. They can also use this information for upselling opportunities. Outside of using analytical segmentation for profit purposes, owners can use it to develop relationships with customers to increase loyalty and retention.
Who Is Not There
The last thing analytical segmentation can tell you about your site is who is not visiting. If owners want to expand their target markets to a segment that isn’t currently visiting the site, they can adjust their marketing strategies to appeal to select groups. Owners should analyze the profit potential of a new segment: will enough revenue be earned to offset the cost of marketing to a new group? If owners decide to market to a new group, they can use analytical segmentation to see if their strategies will work.
There are many factors to consider when developing a marketing strategy. Analytical segmentation can root out your target audience and get you on the path to developing a market strategy that resonates with that audience.