Conference: Search Engine Strategies(SES) Conference Chicago

Date: Nov. 5-7th

Speakers: Josh McCoy (@joshuacmccoy) Grant Simmons (@simmonet)

Session: Assess. Diagnose.Fix: How to become a Leading SEO Mechanic

Time: 10:45AM-11:45AM

It’s back! Search Engine Strategies(SES) is once again hosting their conference in Chicago and it starts today. Want to be a better marketer? SES fills their three day conference agenda with a wealth of sessions on Paid, Owned and Earned strategies to help you succeed. Josh McCoy

Again this year we are proud to announce that Vizion Interactive will be attending and presenting. Join Digital Marketing Strategist Josh McCoy, on Day 3, as he speaks in the “Assess. Diagnose.Fix: How to become a Leading SEO Mechanic” session. Get hands on tips on how to assess common search marketing pitfalls in your campaign and address to maintain your Organic exposure and your traffic and lead/revenue generation. Josh will lead the audience through proactive strategies to ensure you are not missing “the mark”, understanding analytics and using marketing tools and analytical insight to gauge marketing effectiveness.

We look forward to seeing you in Chicago this week, find Josh McCoy and say hello!